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Battery Testing and Vehicle Parts Testing Chamber

1.Temperature and humidity control: The test chamber should be able to simulate different temperature and humidity conditions to evaluate the performance of batteries and related components in extreme environments. The temperature range usually needs to cover from low temperature (such as -40°C) to high temperature (such as 85°C), and the humidity control range also needs to be wide to simulate various climatic conditions.

2.Vibration and shock testing: Simulate the vibration and shock encountered during vehicle driving to evaluate the structural integrity of batteries and related components and the reliability of electrical connections.

3.Waterproof and dustproof testing: For electric vehicles, batteries and electronic components need to have a certain level of waterproof and dustproof. The test chamber should be able to perform IP-level waterproof and dustproof testing to ensure the reliability of battery components in harsh environments.

4.Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test: Test the performance of the battery system and its components in an electromagnetic interference environment to ensure that they will not be affected by external electromagnetic interference and will not interfere with the outside world.

5.Safety test: Including safety tests such as overcharging, over-discharging, short circuit, thermal runaway, etc., to ensure that the battery and its related components will not cause safety accidents such as explosion or fire under abnormal conditions.

6.Performance test: Evaluate key indicators such as battery charging and discharging performance, cycle life, energy density, and the functions and performance of the battery management system (BMS).

7.Environmental simulation: In addition to basic temperature and humidity control, the test chamber may also have functions such as simulating altitude and air pressure changes to comprehensively evaluate the performance of the battery under different environmental conditions.

8.Data recording and analysis: The test chamber should be equipped with a data acquisition system that can record various key parameters during the test process to facilitate subsequent data analysis and fault diagnosis.

9.Safety and protection measures: Considering the potential safety hazards of battery testing, the test chamber needs to be equipped with complete safety protection measures, such as emergency stop buttons, fire protection systems, over-temperature protection, etc.



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