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  1. Temperature-sensitive reactions:

•Many chemical reactions are very sensitive to temperature and need to be carried out within a specific temperature range.

•Too high or too low a temperature may cause side reactions, affecting the purity and yield of the product.

  1. Reactions that require precise temperature control:

•For reactions that require precise temperature control, TCU can provide high-precision temperature control to ensure that the reaction is carried out at the optimal temperature.

  1. Reactions that require rapid temperature changes:

•Some reactions need to undergo temperature changes in a short period of time, such as thermal cycling reactions.

•TCU can quickly adjust the temperature to meet the needs of the reaction.

  1. Exothermic reactions:

•Exothermic reactions generate a lot of heat, and TCU is needed to control the temperature to avoid runaway reactions.

  1. Endothermic reactions:

  • Endothermic reactions require external heat to proceed, and TCU can provide the required heat.

  1. Reactions that require continuous or intermittent operation:

  • Reactions that require continuous or intermittent operation often require TCU to maintain a stable temperature in the reactor.

  1. Reactions involving hazardous chemicals:

  • For reactions involving hazardous chemicals, precise temperature control can improve the safety of the reaction.

  1. Reactor capacity:
  • Determine the capacity of the reactor, which will directly affect the size and power requirements of the cooling and heating system.
  • Larger reactors generally require larger cooling and heating systems to ensure rapid and uniform temperature changes.

  1. Temperature control range:
  • Determine the minimum and maximum temperature ranges required.
  • If an extremely wide temperature range is required, a system with wide temperature range capabilities may need to be selected.

  1. Temperature control accuracy:
  • Determine the temperature control accuracy required for the reaction process, which usually needs to be controlled within a range of ±1°C or less. •For some special reactions, higher temperature control accuracy may be required.

  1. Heating and cooling rates:
    •Determine the required heating and cooling rates according to the needs of the reaction process. •Fast heating and cooling rates help improve production efficiency, especially in reactions that require frequent changes in temperature conditions.




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