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  1. Improve material properties:
  • Improve hardness and wear resistance: Cryogenic treatment can transform the residual austenite in the material into martensite, thereby improving hardness and wear resistance.
  • Reduce residual stress: Cryogenic treatment can reduce the residual stress inside the material and improve dimensional stability.

  1. Improve assembly quality:
  • Dimensional stability: Cryogenic treatment can reduce the thermal expansion coefficient of the material and improve the dimensional stability of the parts during assembly.
  • Reduce deformation: Cryogenic treatment can reduce the deformation of parts during subsequent processing or assembly.

  1. Optimize material microstructure:
  • Refine grains: Cryogenic treatment can promote the refinement of grains in the material and improve the mechanical properties of the material.

Technical features

  1. Temperature control:
  • Extremely low temperature range: Ultra-low temperature deep freezers can usually reach a temperature range of -80°C to -196°C.
  • Precise control: The deep freezer needs to have precise temperature control capabilities to ensure that the material is processed at a specific temperature.

  1. Cooling medium:
  • Liquid nitrogen cooling: Liquid nitrogen is the most commonly used cooling medium and can provide extremely low temperatures.
  • Refrigerant cooling: Some deep freezers also use special refrigerants to achieve low-temperature cooling.

  1. Temperature uniformity:
  • Uniform cooling: Deep freezers need to ensure uniform internal temperature distribution to avoid local overcooling or overheating.

  1. Insulation performance:
  • Insulation layer: Deep freezers are usually equipped with efficient insulation layers to reduce heat loss and keep the internal temperature stable.

Process flow

Loading: • Place the material or parts to be processed in the deep freezer.

Cooling: • The deep freezer starts to cool down until the set temperature is reached.

Insulation: • Insulate at the set low temperature for a period of time to ensure that the material is fully cooled.

Heating: • Slowly heat up to room temperature to avoid stress in the material during the heating process.

Unloading: • Take the processed material or parts out of the deep freezer.

Bearing cold assembly freezer



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